Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Keep The Coochie, I'll Have Your Heart

I'm writing this post as a response to a response. The fact that this is about women makes it no coincidence that its already clouded with confusion. About a month ago my homie @PhillyTheBoss posted a blog titled "Excuse me ma'am, That 'Box belongs to me" in which he laid out the rules and regulations (or shall I say restrictions) that pertain to a woman's pussy when dealing with a man. According to the blog a woman's "Box" can either be Owned, Leased, or Rented depending on the type of relationship she has with a man. I strongly suggest you take a moment to read it before you continue.

Before I get on the women I feel its only right I talk to the fellas. Now the terms Own Lease and Rent are all words that signify some form of POSSESSION, usually after some form of PAYMENT has been made.You pay your car off over time and eventually you'll own it and it'll be yours to do whatever you please with, or you pay rent at your apartment and its yours as long as you're making the payments on time. The point is nothing in life is truly free so you can't possibly expect to OWN something without paying for it.With that said a man can't expect to own a woman's pussy, or the exclusive access to it without trusting her to agree to those exclusive terms. Anytime trust is involved in a situation you lack control. Ownership is about control. One of the greatest lessons in life a man can ever learn is "You can't control the hole" #Hazism. Realize that when you put the emphasis on ownership you automatically assign value to the asset. Nobody wants to own something that isn't worth spending money on so when you tell a woman that her box is yours, or ask who the pussy belongs to your really subconsciously putting her pussy in a position of power. Please pardon my P's.

 I'm not done with the men but this is where the women come in at. Earlier this week my homegirl @OMG_ItsBrina decided to write a blog in response to Philly titled Is This Your Pussy?? basically explaining why men don't own shit. If you notice in her blog the entire post is written with a smug sense of confidence and superiority. She speaks with a "What I say goes" type of tone because she is under the illusion that she has "Power." Pussy Power to be exact. The Study of Ahoebics focuses on the modern interactions between men and women on many levels but mainly a social one. When it comes to the modern man and woman we are at war. The roles in society have shifted in some cases and the natural way of things are in many ways no longer "natural." I'm not gonna get too deep I'll save it for the book but in short the problem is the focus is on the Pussy. Men and women both have been socialized to worship it. The problem is men want it and women have it. That automatically puts the woman in a position of power and that's not the natural way things were meant to be.

Woman was put here to be a companion for man. Man was made and shit was cool then God decided that such great work deserved some company so he gave us another great creation, women. This is the reason ALL women have a desire for love and attention. Their main reason for being created was to be with someone so they all have the feeling/desire to need/want somebody. Think about it. Don't blame me ladies blame The Bible, you need a man. I'm not saying that to be on some "you have to submit and do what a man says" or "your my property" type of shit, I'm just simply stating that the natural order is for the man to lead and the woman to follow. A woman naturally is not fit to lead a man. Women are emotionally based, a trait which allows them to be better equipped for their natural roles as the mother or nurturer, while men are logically based which better suits us to go out and conquer the world to provide for our families. Logic before Emotion otherwise you end up with confusion which breeds chaos. You see women naturally adapt and absorb the characteristic traits of the men they interact with. When put in an equal or even a leadership position they still tend to follow a man's lead. Hoes are a perfect example. Regardless of your definition there would be no such thing as a hoe if there was no market for one. It's kinda like supply and demand. Men like hoes and women desire to please men so therefore we have hoes.

The only power women truly have is the power of choice. They have the option to choose WHO they give the pussy to, and that is where the illusion lies.That's why when a man lies and runs game on a woman to get her to sleep with him its as if he isn't playing fair because he doesn't allow her the opportunity to truly choose him based off of who he really is. He is basically stripping her of her power. See the pussy itself is nothing special. True indeed they're in no way shape or form all created equal but none is any more special than the next. They all provide the same functions. Just different means to the same end. The true treasure that a woman possesses is the power of choice. It's what she chooses to do with it that makes it and her special. The problem here is that women are naturally supposed to be lead by men. When left to make serious decisions with no guidance they tend to make the wrong choice because they allow emotions to get the best of them. This brings me back to my point about hoes. If women had so much "pussy power", and men had to be "allowed access" then there would be no such thing as a hoe. Women would simply be exercising their right to choose who they sleep with and why they sleep with them with no negative blow back because its their pussy and under their control right? Who are we to judge how the next person treats there body. Fat people are told to loose weight mostly because of health reasons but if they choose to be big nobody really cares. Nobody cares that this pale ass woman at the Pizza Hut by me refuses to tan. It's her body and if she chooses to be a porcelain princess then its her right so if a woman decides to be a double clutching dick sucker then who are we to judge? As long as she chooses to do so then she is in control of her body and should be free to do so right? Unless of course u feel a hoe is just a woman that lacks control of her body, if so then keep reading.

 Most men bend to a woman's will and put on "the act" until she grants them some pussy. That's the whole "treat" thing that Brina was talking about. You take them out on a few dates, be a gentleman, play the game and when you rack up enough pussy points you get to cash in and get your "reward." This is where men feel they "own the box." Once a man puts his bid in and gets to a certain point he starts to feel the right to exclusivity and arguably rightfully so. It's the kid in the sandbox principle. A kid can have a toy get bored with it and toss it to the side, but as soon as another kid looks at it suddenly he wants it again. A man may not necessarily want to wife you, but that doesn't mean he wants to share you either. No man really wants to share the pussy. Now although this reaction is natural an intelligent mind should be able to realize its not logical. You can't expect a woman to committed to you if you're not committed to her. You also can't expect her to be committed to you just because you choose to be committed to her. Same goes for women. Unless you have both agreed to be in a monogamous situation then neither can expect exclusive rights. However if you ask me in 2011 with all the creatures crawling in peoples crevices any woman that respects herself should have only one sexual partner at a time just as any man that truly respects himself should. You cant fuck em all #Hazism.

Now the reason I've been saying all of this is to answer the question Who does the pussy belong to? As I said the emphasis is on the pussy when you even ask that question so men will always be on the losing side of the battle. Women are in possession of the pussy and possession is nine-tenths of the law as my nigga @Waymoflydenu would say. You can't own, rent, or lease it. At best you can borrow it. Should you choose to value it enough to spend money on it is your decision, but in the end you always have to give it back. Even when your in it you don't own it. Most men aren't educated and equipped with the tools required to correctly please a woman in the first place. You ain't really don't shit when you doing it. Hoes goin gay n buying dildo's in record numbers. You fuckin her but she thinking about how long its gone take you to finish so she can go spend the money you just gave her to get her hair done. And even if you can fuck the dog shit out of her there's always a bigger better dick waiting around the corner and with the emphasis being on pussy she knows she won't have no trouble finding Haz I mean him. What men should be concerned with is the real source of her power. Her ability to choose what she does with the pussy. The woman controls her pussy but who controls her heart? A woman's brain is wired directly to her heart because remember they are emotionally centered. If you control her heart you control her brain. When you focus on the pussy you give her the power to decide on if and when you get anything. It's like your the horse and the coochie is a carrot. These carrot coochie ass women get off on the feeling of power but the wrong power in the wrong hands is potentially dangerous. Look at the state of women today. It's a direct reflection of the state of men, simply because they follow our lead. Women are waiting for us to take control be men and provide direction, and all we do is focus on fucking and give them back the control. Women, although now in a position of power still desire to please men so we end up with all these hoes being hoes. They seek our attention and we reward hoes with our attention so you have what could've been a guided productive woman, now calling herself a model on twitter bragging because her ass is natural. Or you have a bright woman like my girl Brina writing a blog about how she has a side peace because she know's every man has a side peace in the same breath that she says a man is dumb for expecting her to only be with him because he is exclusive with her. They are confused. They need our help. Fellas instead of trying to borrow her body consider borrowing her brain. If you control the heart you control the hoe. Make her only want to be with you. Not because you paid her rent, or because you foolishly asked "whose pussy is this" and she foolishly answered but because she desires nobody else and see's it no other way. We have to step our game up so we can upgrade these hoes into the women they are destined to be. To the women that don't agree shut up and read this again starting from the top. You need us. You can't spell WoMan without the word Man. A woman's period is a monthly reminder of her purpose on earth and her need for a man. It's God's way of reminding them of their role. If a man doesn't fertilize a woman's egg a part of her dies inside and her body rejects it as waste. Every month you are reminded that your wasting time lol. Stop telling yourself that your pussy is special. The only thing that is special is your decision on what to do with it. Exercise your mind and decide how you choose to use it not based on how society says you should but based on how you feel you should. As far as the tools she can use to gain what she wants pussy should be a woman's last resort. In closing a woman controls the pussy but who controls her heart? Focus on what you can control and you shall acquire what you desire. Damn I'm good.

Follow me on twitter @haztv and check out everybody I mentioned in the blog. They're all appreciated.
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