Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Crock Pot Pimpin'

"No one man should have all that Power:" That quote comes to mind as I think of the best way to explain my approach with women on twitter. Not because I think I can have any woman I desire (that couldn't be further more from the truth), but because unlike most men I'm not pressed for pussy. Don't get it twisted however, I love pussy. I talk about hoes all day and I surround myself with beautiful women as much as I can. I am completely obsessed with them but, I am also completely in control of myself at all times. I don't feel the need to lie or run game to trick women into sleeping with me. I simply crack jokes, ask questions, tell stories and eventually end up washing up before I leave. My "cant lose" approach technically allows me to always win, which I consider to be very powerful.

My homie Philly recently "pulled my card" and accused me of "trying to get at all his hoes and talking to them like I went to middle school with them". He said "This nigga Haz will tweet a broad two months straight 'Hows your day' 'LOL' & 'cool' and before she know it, she ass naked in a Best Western." Now on the surface that statement is fucking hilarious, but being a fellow Gemini I noticed it had a significant amount of depth to it mostly because it was somewhat true. He brought my subconscious approach to my own attention and after some thought I've formed a theory that I dub "Crock Pot Pimpin." Before I begin this is not a guide to get at girls on twitter. If you ask me there is no guide to get girls . I'm not here to tell you how you should or shouldn't do anything. I'm just a regular nigga and what you fuck don't make me nut.

I call my method Crock Pot Pimpin' because it's similar to the process of cooking in a Crock Pot. You take out some time to put the ingredients together (hoes), throw them in the pot, set it at a low temperature and leave. Then you allow for your preparation to pay off in the end with a nice home cooked meal with little to no effort on your part. I think its a perfect metaphor to describe the scenario Philly tweeted about my twitter ways. I flirt with women openly on my timeline for the world to see because I truly have nothing to hide. Most people probably see my random pointless conversations with women as thirst but I consider it preparation. I'm in no rush to jump in a woman's DM, get her number, call or text her and attempt to take her out in hope's to have sex with her. That's fast food in my eyes. I much rather tweet 20 hoes good morning, tell another 10 a joke and log off and go about my day. I simply plant the seed and allow for it to develop on its own. In my mind you have nothing to lose when it comes to getting women. You don't have them before you approach them so in the end the worst that can happen is they say no and you end up where you were when you started. I flirt with women on twitter usually just to pass the time. One thing men and women should understand is just because a person flirts it doesn't meant they want to fuck. 75% of the women I flirt with online I never have intentions of doing anything with. Not to say I wouldn't if the opportunity presented itself but I learned a long time ago "You cant fuck em all." I don't do the whole DM thing unless its personal information being sent from one person to the next, so all of my "thirst" is usually on display for the world to see. On one hand that's bad because every mutual follower I have see's me flirting with every female I follow and usually takes it the wrong way, but at the same time it can be good because all the women I follow see that what I do and say is genuine and I'm the same with everybody.

Another plus is nothing attracts a woman like the scent of another woman. Women see me interacting with other women openly and it tends to spark some form of interest.I never had hoes until I let the world know Haz loves hoes. Also, I've noticed that the worse I talk about myself the more interested they become. So with that said I'll be the first to admit that I ain't shit and I'm just a regular ass nigga. I talk to women like I know them as a means to make them feel more comfortable. If I approach a female like we're already friends she will naturally be friendly. Ever approach a woman for her number out of the blue and she hit you with the "I don't even know you" line? Well chances are you approached her like a stranger who wanted something from her which made her immediately put her guard up. I rarely have that problem because instead of approaching her like a stranger trying to make her feel attracted to me, I simply approach her like I already know her and she already likes me. People always assume I know people they see me tweet personally because I talk like we have history but that's just a psychological technique I use. I keep it casual with hi's lol's and small talk to keep things simple and easy and that signifies the low heat that a Crock Pot cooks on. Whereas the man that goes straight at a female's neck would be considered high heat and the sucker that ends up in the friend zone is no heat, my approach is low heat.. Make no mistake about it I'm not friendly in the sense I just want to be friends. My intentions are known from the gate, its just the way I go about expressing those intentions that I feel is unique. I might talk about sex with a woman, but its always light hearted and fun. I'm never on some I wanna fuck you from the back or when you gonna come sit on my face shit. As odd as it sounds even though I call women hoes you won't find one that will say I talk to or treat her disrespectfully.  I also always assume attraction with women which tends to make them be attracted to me.Assuming attraction means I go into the situation already thinking the woman is or will be attracted to me. I'm not caught up on trying to impress her if anything she has to impress me. My first tweet to a female might be me something like me telling her she ain't shit, as opposed to some fake compliment cause she posted a thirst trap*. I can only imagine how many times Philly would RT a female, only to later see me going back and forth with her on his timeline wondering to himself "where the fuck she know Haz from." That's just me simply assuming attraction and making her feel comfortable enough to interact with me on a level so natural that people she knows in real life can't tell that I'm just another nigga on twitter.

Now I'm sure many people would think its more work to tweet here and there for weeks or months than it is to just get straight to the point but I can assure you its not. Not only do I better my odds of success by taking the Crock Pot approach, but in those 2 months Philly mentioned I'm openly preparing multiple women. When you tweet a female a joke or two and she responds with lol or some form of cooperation and you immediately jump in her DM you rapidly change the dynamic of the relationship. Its like those calls that say you won something only to get your attention and when you show a sign of interest and press 1 they show their true colors and attempt to sell you something. You immediately put pressure on the female to make a decision up front based off of little to no information about you, and in most cases women see it as a turn off. As soon as she shows interest and you ask for her number that's basically you going all in and showing your hand. My approach on the other hand is to take my time and control the pace of my pursuit. I keep things casual and friendly, while controlling the level of sexual tension at the same time. Every time I tweet a  woman the conversation has a friendly yet sexual undertone to it. As I stated before every woman I flirt with on twitter is not an attempt for me to have sex with them, but I always like to keep my options open. I now have beautiful female followers all over the country that I could visit whenever I'm in town and keep it strictly platonic with but the option for sex is always there if I choose to pull the pin.I am the ultimate shone because I have perfected the art of allowing a hoe to be a hoe. Women have to be comfortable to be in the mood for sex and having her feel like everyone of your conversations have an agenda behind them will not achieve that goal. I simply make women comfortable enough to be themselves, allow them to enjoy my company and give them the FREEDOM to CHOOSE whether or not they want to be involved with me sexually.I'm pro choice so its always the hoe's choice. I typically like to play dumb and set the tension so high that they get frustrated and make the first move, thus leaving me free of any blame or guilt in the future. More than half of the women I've interacted with off of twitter was initiated by them sliding in my DM with some half ass attempt to throw their crabby patty at me. Philly calls it subtle thirst and says I'm talking the hoes into a pussy trap and I might be, but sex isn't always my motive when talking to women. Good conversation is. As I stated before that fast paced run and gun technique is considered fast food to me. Any woman that reacts to an immediate DM after a follow is a hoe. In the words of Pac "I don't want it if its that easy." I enjoy the chase. I rather build a rapport with 10 quality hoes who only sleep with men they THINK they know than to just settle for hoes that I follow and DM as soon as they follow me back. To me that's the true Thirst. Ill go into that deeper on "The Thirst Theory" but that's my explanation for my actions. To those on the outside looking in it may seem like I'm always on the hunt or I'm extra thirsty but I truly am just tweeting and having fun. Men rarely have fun chasing women nowadays because they're too caught up on the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. I know the pot is there, I rather take my time enjoy the colors on my way cause the gold ain't going nowhere. I realize using this rainbow as a metaphor is gonna have the pause and no homo thugs up in arms but this post ain't for them niggas so fuck em. Besides most y'all hoes pussy ain't no pot of gold anyway. In the end What might look like a random tweet can in fact be a random tweet or might be part of a bigger plan. I cant even always tell the difference. But I simply put in a little prep work and go about my business and when I'm ready I have a good quality meal waiting on me. In the end you cant fuck em all. Feel free to follow me @haztv

*A "thirst trap" is a subtle attempt to attain attention. Whether it be a late night "I'm lonely" tweet or a revealing twitpic the objective is to bait the opposite sex into showing you attention.
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Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Just because I refer to women as hoes doesn't mean I THINK I'm a pimp..... I just KNOW women are hoes #Hazism
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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Randumb Rant

     Why must I always flush before I finish? I mean shit. I'm sitting here at work wondering how this time last week, I had three new pieces of potential pleasure on my line and now they're all gone. I got bored with one, annoyed with another and completely forgot about the third one. Now the last one I don't really mind because if she hasn't hit me up all week either then the lack of chemistry must've been mutual but I need to either start fucking these hoes quicker or learn to deal with them longer. I believe I suffer from knowing that there is always more fish in the sea, so I don't hesitate to cut a female off for the slightest reason. This kills my scoop to smack ratio. The scoop to smack ratio is the ratio of women you scoop (get the number) to smack (smack on the ass while hitting it from the back) For example, on average out of 10 women I scoop, I might end up sleeping with 2 of them and that's being generous. I figure 2 I'll strike out with for whatever reason they deem acceptable, 2 will serve a purpose greater than sex, 2 I'll get bored with 1 I'll get annoyed with and 1 will just get lost in the shuffle as I meet one of the other 2 women that I will be able to put up with long enough to shone. My brother thinks I'm crazy for taking shone so serious as he puts it, but it is what it is. You cant fuck em all. Just a thought....